Monday, 17 March 2014

A day to remember…

Yesterday was probably the best day of my life so far. Fair enough, it wasn’t a trophy so the celebrations may have been a tad too much in some quarters but a win over the old enemy at their stomping ground is enough cause for excitement. However, the classic 1-0 victory was merely the tip of a massive iceberg about to shake up my world. As I wrote in a brief message last night ( the goal-scorer Tomas Rosicky came up to me at full-time and gave me his sweat drenched shirt.

Not everyone who reads this blog has Twitter/Facebook or even likes football so might not realise that I seem to be everywhere at the moment. The picture has been doing the rounds as well as a clip on YouTube ( My brother and I are also in a video on the official Arsenal website ( The response has just been overwhelming and quite frankly absurd. I mean I got the shirt and I’m very grateful but what’s so special about me? Last night and today, my notifications have been going through the roof. 50 per minute and there’s no let up.

Just to answer the question about what I am going to do with it, the answer is that I wish to print out the picture and put it next to the shirt in a frame. My friends have said about getting Rosicky to sign it but I’m not sure if that’s too greedy. I’m satisfied with just the shirt as it is unique and I definitely feel special. I’m still buzzing and feel like I’m in some sort of dream. Please don’t wake me up, at least until we’ve won the double.

This post will probably stoke the fire even more as people will no doubt contact me after reading. This has been great PR for Wheelchair Boy as there has been an influx of new readers who will hopefully become less ignorant about disability. Everyone who knows me is aware that I am a bit of a media whore who likes the idea of fame so I’m probably in my element. It’s true. I am constantly smiling and keep randomly laughing. Nevertheless, I now realise that being in the spotlight (even if it is online) is difficult. I’m not ignoring people. Just cannot reply to everyone. Sorry.

I’m so happy right now. Words don’t do it justice.

Bye for now!


  1. When things die down, I'd love to ask you about a hundred questions about that shirt...I've a couple of USA soccer shirts handed to me from players....and a bunch of hockey shirts off their backs as well.


  2. i will. thanks for understanding it's crazy atm :)

  3. Massive congratulations Glen! I really do hope this helps your inspirational blog.

  4. i think it actually has mate :)

  5. Brilliant! It really does deserve every ounce of awareness.
