Friday, 6 September 2013

The Justice League…

In the wake of my ‘causeway incident’ (read some older posts if you’re not sure what I mean), my sister and I have got involved with the St Albans District Access Group. A local organization that discusses and tries to deal with problems facing disabled people in the area. I attended my first meeting at the Council Chamber on Monday morning so thought I’d write a quick post because some of the issues raised were quite interesting. Also, I didn’t know such a committee existed prior to April so these meetings need a bit of publicity as to attract more members.

A lot of the problems that I have raised in this blog were included in the agenda such as parking with the blue badge and them pesky speed humps (which have yet to be removed but further assurances have been made). It was frustrating but sort of a relief to find out that I wasn’t the only disabled person to get a ticket in unfair circumstances. I gave an update on the cycle paths to which the few members around the table accepted as the norm (the council usually take longer than expected).

However, other topics such as accessible WC’s and local bus services were discussed. I failed to add much regarding these subjects because I don’t use public toilets or the bus. After hearing a few anecdotes/reading negative stories in the local press, I can’t wait to go on a few bus routes, identify some problems and report back to the next meeting in October where the bosses of Unö and Arriva will hopefully be to feel the wrath of ‘Wheelchair Boy’.

I was pleased to see from the minutes of the previous meeting that there are usually outsiders who speak about what will happen regarding issues raised. Those who can address any problems directly need to be present at each meeting otherwise nothing would ever move forward. Although it felt like a comic book with disability activists coming together for one common goal, we’re not superheroes and need help from all sections of society if change/improvements are going to happen.

Bye for now!

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