Tuesday 10 July 2012


I have wanted to join a gym for years so I can build up my upper strength and become fitter. I’ve been told many times that it’s not healthy to sit in my wheelchair all day but I have received no physiotherapy or help joining a gym.

The problem was my age but now I’m 18, it should be simple to join. But, (although they daren’t admit it) gyms are reluctant to take ‘Wheelchair Boy’ as a member. Probably comes down to health and safety or that they can’t be bothered dealing with a disabled person. The actual gym is either not accessible or the equipment is not suitable. I would need help and some gyms have even told me that I would have to pay for my carer/companion. Also, I’m unable to use equipment such as running machines so it seems unfair that I have to pay full membership price.

Hopefully, I can join the Brunel gym in September and attend regularly with my Personal Assistant. I’m aiming for a six pack.

Bye for now!

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