Monday, 20 January 2014

They’re gone…

I was going to wait for the Herts Ad to break the news, but they haven’t printed the article yet eventhough they contacted me before Christmas to ask some questions. To be honest, I think that the Editor is waiting for a slow news week (I did learn something at Uni) before releasing the story because it’s not that interesting. I mean it’s pretty predictable that ‘Wheelchair Boy’ would get his own way. The headline news is that after almost a year of campaigning, the council accepted that I was right and the ‘speed restrictors’ they had installed on a pedestrian path had to be removed. The ridiculous speed humps were finally taken out back in December, just over a year after they were put in.

In case anyone has forgot the background of what I’m going on about or is new to ‘The Adventures of Wheelchair Boy’, go and read some old posts. Only joking. I’ll re-cap. Basically, there is a public path (Causeway) near my house that I use to access the local park (Verulamium). In August 2012, the path was dug up and speed humps were put in to slow cyclists down. My brother wrote to the local paper, flagging up the potential issues disabled people might face. They were obviously ignored by the council until April/May 2013 when my wheelchair tipped completely backwards, proving that the humps were unsuitable.

However, having wasted millions of pounds on the project, councillors were reluctant to admit their stupidity and make a U-turn. I wasn’t going away though and with the help of family, friends, the Herts Ad and the St. Albans District Access Group, common sense finally prevailed (I think they wanted to draw a line before the New Year. Installing then removing them within a year and a half was a huge waste of taxpayer’s money but I’m not to blame. The council did not think through the plans and rushed into it. Hopefully, they will learn from this expensive mistake. Potentially the only positive to come from this calamitous blunder.

Apart from the fact that ‘Wheelchair Boy’ proved himself to be a boss that takes no rubbish. Don’t mess with me.

Bye for now!

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